I am not a designer logo handbag kind of girl, although I would not turn down a small black quilted Chanel handbag (you know, the classic bag with the gold chain strap), but it's just not my look. Don't get me wrong. I like nice things including handbags that are stylish and well made. It's just that my lifestyle and budget at the moment don't support anything with a logo other than a Lacoste polo shirt.
So, why I woke up this morning thinking to myself "wouldn't the living room look great with a vintage Louis Vuitton trunk for a coffee table?" is still a mystery to me. Sure, the trunk would be eye catching, but also prohibitively expensive. It occurred to me in a brief (thank goodness) flash that the LV could be "fauxed" onto a trunk to look like the real thing, but as with fake designer handbags, it's better to own something affordable and authentic rather than a cheap copy of a luxury item.
From there, I made my way to Google (sounds familiar, yes?) where I found these images of Louis Vuitton trunks used for tables. They've probably been drifting around the interior decorating blog world for a long time, but they're new to me and hopefully you as well.
Photo sources from top: blossominteriors.com; Home of Ken Fulk, House Beautiful Magazine, photo by Victoria Pearson; HGTV.com; maisonclassique.com
i lust after these and do not care that this has "been there done that".........however, i cannot afford one, so i will go on lusting....sigh.....
ReplyDeletegreat images deborah, especially the first one, WOW
Hi Debra - That first image has a lot going on (zebra, Warhol I think, LV), but I like it too. Both of the living room images had captions with something to the effect of being Tommy Hilfiger's living room(s), but not sure if that is the case or which one is really his room. TH could certainly afford an LV trunk.
ReplyDeleteI found a nice trunk years ago at a church bazaar, although not an LV, that I used for many years. I do like that look- casual and homey...
ReplyDeleteI love these. so funny I was just thinking about doing a similar post yesterday! I love them!
ReplyDeleteSuch a great look. Who knows... maybe you'll stumble upon one in an unexpected place someday where the seller doesn't realize what they have. In the meantime, a trunk doesn't have to be a Louis to be a good idea...
ReplyDeletehi deborah,
ReplyDeletewhat great images.
i think you could achieve the same look without the lv logo. and maybe even be less pretentious.
I think it's OK to think about this, and then show us pictures. Now, I'm thinking about this.
The Louis Vuitton trunks are great! Similarly, I have seen some time ago in a guesthouse, but with a different logo. ;)
Not a bad look! Another place for storage too....and I can always use more storage!!!
ReplyDeleteThese trunks will always hold their charm, maybe because they speak to us of another more elegant era. Love the two piled up a a bedside table.
I love all these trunks Deborah, such a great look! Axx
ReplyDeleteI somehow think substituting a couple of Samsonite's wouldn't work here Deborah! I'll just have to pray that I stumble into an Op. Shop one day, spy a couple of LV's covered in dust down the back of the store, offer the little old lady behind the counter $10 each for them & voila!
ReplyDeleteMillie ^_^
Mmm, Louis Vuitton, so classic. And a little animal print, count me in! Beautiful images and great blog! *Amy
ReplyDeleteI have several old trunks scattered about my house. THey make great storage and coffee tables. None of mine are as fancy as these, but maybe someday :)
ReplyDeleteMy mom has my grandma's vintage LV trunk in her living room as a coffee table. It sits up on a plain little stand so that it is elevated a little. She has had this for 20 + years. I have always loved it!
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog and love it!
Yes to this idea!
ReplyDeleteI have a friend who, years ago got a LV travel case at a sale and we used it in lots of photos.