Less is More

This image is one of my favorite rooms decorated for Christmas. It's the home of Danish interior designer Tine Kjeldsen and was featured in the December 2002 issue of Homes & Gardens magazine (photography is by Case Study). Obviously, this issue of the magazine is one of my favorites---there are other images from this issue in one of my earlier December posts.

I like the simplicity of the whole room; the white linen window shades, natural linen chaise (behind the tree), white tiled Swedish stove and the blue gray table with peeling paint. The tree is decorated with silver ornaments and a garland of Danish flags. You'll notice there are also small lighted candles clipped all over the tree (eek!). The fine print next to the picture says "never leave lit candles unattended". Brave souls they were to try this. It looks beautiful, but I hope they had at least half a dozen fire extinguishers nearby for this shot.

Here is a better view of the table. The oil painting in the background is by artist Christina Lindell. The beautiful candelabrum is French and features porcelain and silver flowers. A rectangular white dish holds round mercury glass Christmas tree decorations.
So pretty and festive and no red or green in sight.


  1. Oh my - this is exquisite. As much as I love the home of my friends in my most recent post, this is so refined and calming. Just beautiful.

  2. I adore the simple and elegant tree look! I usually find the trees as pretty as the ornaments adorning them!

  3. I adore a simple look at CHristmas. This year, I am decluttering and decorating a lot less. That room is so lovely.

  4. i agree with you deborah, less is more, usually. in this case, sheer perfection. LOVE the oil painting.

  5. Deborah,
    I agree with you! Less is more! I love the addition of a few festive holiday items that enhance the room, but don't over power it. Great photo, I had not seen that one.
    Happy Holidays!

  6. This post was such a treat! As HCHG said, exquisite.

  7. I couldn't agree more...these pics are simply gorgeous! Tracey xx

  8. i love this ... so simple and pretty and i sooo love that i found your blog.. i lived in boston for 8 years and miss new england... now in seattle which is beautiful... but... not as charming! merry christmas... x pam

  9. A gorgeous tree! I agree...less is more. Ax

  10. I so loved this room when I first saw it in Homes and Gardens (UK edition)years ago and cut it out to keep in my 'clippings box' of favourite houses/looks etc. Just beautiful...
    You have a wonderful blog!

  11. I join the throng of admirers of this delightful room too Deborah. It's simplicity draws me to it like a moth to a flame. And talking of flames, I've always been in awe of the Scandinavians who always decorate their trees with lighted candles at Christmas. Talk about living on the edge!
    Millie ^_^

  12. The Christmas tree is just wonderful! And the table with the oil paint is charming!


  13. It is me again!
    I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!!!


  14. Beautiful photos! I passed up a very similar candelabra in Concord MA not two months ago... hate when I do that;)
    I want to wish you a very merry holiday Deborah!

  15. Happy Holidays to you and looking forward to more of your wonderful blog in 2010... xx

  16. Wishing you a Merry Christmas Deborah!! Axx

  17. What a gorgeous tree.

    Hope that you are having a very merry Christmas.

    Leeann x

  18. I just found your blog and must say it is truly pure elegance.


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