Best Wishes for the New Year

The Mall on Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
Image via Flickr

The end of a year always comes as a surprise to me. One minute there are lobster rolls, sandy feet and fourth of July fireworks and the next we are choosing a Christmas tree and shoveling the first snow fall. It's been a challenging year at times with the economy in such flux (to put it mildly), but I am grateful for the wonderful times and joys I've shared with loved ones and friends.

This blog was a new venture for me during the spring of 2009 and it's been a creative opportunity that I never thought possible. It's been a pleasure to connect with like-minded bloggers who share the same passionate interest in interior design and decorating. I've also been able to do some interior decorating work (but it certainly didn't seem like work), which was a delightful experience.

Thank you to all who have followed my blog here and there and left such kind, positive comments. It means so much to me to have an outlet for expressing ideas and inspiration.
I wish everyone a Happy, Peaceful, Prosperous New Year for 2010!


  1. Wishing you a wonderful New Year as well!

  2. Happy New Year to you and the ones you love! I have so enjoyed following your blog.

  3. I wish you all the best in the New Year 2010.
    Enjoy every minute, life goes fast!

  4. Happy New Year Deborah! Enjoy the snow here in Boston!

  5. Dear Deborah,

    Wishing you a very happy, healthy New Year!

    Thank you also for your very kind comments. As you know a kind comment can make your day.
    And you certainly made my day yesterday.

    Thank you.
    Your friend,


  6. A wonderful New Year to you.... Have loved your blog since I found it and look forward to your inspiring posts and photographs in 2010....

  7. Hi. Some extra time to myself this Holiday weekend, has allowed me to discover your lovely blog. I think it was through the Apartment Therapy site, not sure. New to the blogging world, I started to write one two months ago. I can relate so much to yours as someone who loves design and decor, but is not a professional. Perusing your posts has been very inspirational, and I will be sure to add your blog to my reading list this new year. Happy New Year. Sue

  8. Happy New Year. Enjoyed your post "Less is More". Once you have learned this, you have learned more than most designers. Restraint is the beauty of which interior design is made.

  9. Thanks so much for your visit and kind comment! All the best to you in 2010!!

  10. Happy New Year!! Hope 2010 is great for you! xo Terri


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