Fall Bounty: More Sarah Lamb Paintings

Fall Bounty II
I can't remember exactly how I stumbled upon the paintings of Sarah Lamb, which I've posted about here before other than it involved searching the internet (as usual!) for "still life paintings" which yielded Sarah Lamb's extraordinary work. The artist is renowned for her still life paintings which to me, are reminiscent of those by the old European Masters. I am drawn not only to the fine life-like details of the paintings, but also to the simplicity of the subject matter--flowers, fruit, vegetables, shell fish and other delicacies or everyday objects like pots and bottles beautifully composed against a shaded background.
Three Squash
This group of her paintings represents fall to me with its shorter days, colder temperatures and fewer outdoor activities, but more time for cooking, baking and sharing time indoors with family and friends. Enjoy!
Jeff's Old Bottles
Sickle Pears Clay Pots
Mousse Au Chocolate
La Miche Polaine
Dusty Bottle
Eggs in a Wooden Bowl
Eggs With Copper Pot
Leeks and Earthenware
European Mounted Skull
Clam and Mussel Shells II
Alpine Fondue I
Stock Grange Apples

All Photos from Spanierman Gallery LLC


  1. I'm so glad I found your blog...you have such a different point of view. I love Sarah Lamb's work, she is amazingly talented. Thank you for sharing. www.cremefreshforthehome.blogspot.com

  2. hi deborah,

    my god these are so beautiful. i especially love the leeks and eartenware and the eggs and copper pot. also the bread and jam and the 3 squashes. are her works very expensive?


  3. These paintings I fell in love with! Especially these with the eggs ! But they are just all gorgeous!!!!!!!
    Thank you for introducing us to Sarah Lamb!


  4. Thank you for sharing these, they are breathtaking. I spent much of my youth in Belgium and the mussels paintings stuck a cord with me. Lovely.

  5. Incredible talent!
    Thank you for the introduction.

  6. oh deborah, i am drooling. am particularly fond of the hanging fruit bundles, looks like a photograph. did i miss it or could you tell us more about the artist?
    ps; truly love your blog

  7. Just stunning! thanks for sharing this, I happen to love still life artwork or anything that captures a single moment in time as the paintings you have shown do, best~*~kelley

  8. What a beautiful blog you have! I love the paintings and your living room! I will be back for a visit. I am linking if that's OK?

  9. Extraordinary is the perfect word for Sarah's work Deborah. They are just breathtaking. I have trouble drawing a stick figure, so I'm in total awe of such talent.
    Millie ^_^

  10. These are beautiful.
    Perfect for this time of year.
    Thank you for sharing.


  11. What an amazing artist. Her work is exquisite. Thanks for introducing her to us!

  12. What wonderful still lifes!


  13. you have a beautiful blog.

    and this artist is so wonderful.
    her sense of color is magnificent.
    i like the mussels the best.

    thank you
    x happy thanks giving

  14. Deborah, I love Sarah Lamb also. I had the opportunity to see her and her friends show (Kate Lehman) in San Francisco a few years ago at the John Pence Gallery (Sold out for both of those artists-about 75-80 paintings). I love her work, it was amazing to see it live, it is perfect!
    I Love your website, I believe interior design and art go hand in hand. I paint a little in oil and watercolor for fun, because I too have a stressful job as a Spanish language Court Interpreter in California.
    Thank you for sharing with us your exceptional taste. Elizabeth

  15. Beautiful work!Congratulations!


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