
Robert Brown, House Beautiful Well, not really a screenplay today--more like screen play. Not many words here so mostly photos, but certainly a little drama. There is something about a beautifully decorated folding screen that never fails to get my attention.
Screen from Art Deco Collection,
It's a versatile enough to serve as portable art hanging on a wall or as a room divider.
Barbara Ohrbach, House Beautiful
Use a small screen to cover a fireplace opening when not in use.

Screen from Red Ticking,
Or, as a window treatment for extra privacy.

David Easton, Veranda
Or, really anywhere because no matter where you put the screen, it looks fabulous.


  1. hi deborah,

    i just love that first image, so beautiful. your blog has such a beautiful simplicity to it.
    i always look forward to your posts.


  2. beautiful, beautiful screens! they add such a lovely layer...

  3. I have always loved screens! They are a little mysterious! What is happening behind that screen...?
    You showed wonderful pieces!


  4. I might have to "borrow" a few images. tooo beautiful! thanks for the comment today.

  5. Hi! I've only recently discovered your blog, but I like it so much already that I've given you an award. Please come to my 11/02 post to see and let yourself be tagged!


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