Instant Roses

I am always behind the trend when it comes to "social media".  The days aren't long enough to devote more time to the computer.  But I've finally given Instagram a go, since photography is one of my favorite hobbies. 

This is a photo of a postcard I've pinned to a wall in my office (well, cubicle really).  I took this photo with Instagram and love the results.  It's fun to have another creative outlet when time permits.

I hope you're having a great week!


  1. Deborah - I just joined Instagram a couple weeks ago. I only have 3 photos from my IPhone....really cool, but I'm still learning how to use it. My account: loithai. I need to take a little tutorial to figure it out. Love your photo....a very vintage feel!
    PS - Let's decorate your office cube ;)

    1. Hi Loi - You are way ahead of me. I only have one photo and it took me half an hour to figure out how to "share" it. My account is boxwoodterrace. And wouldn't I love to have your help in decorating my cube! Here's a post I did about my cube awhile ago:

    2. So chic! I love all your selections.....especially the wallpaper and parsons desk. I ordered that same desk for my client's home office a while back. We love it. Will check out your Instagram acct. xoxo, L

  2. Gorgeous Deborah! I agree with Loi, a very vintage look!

    2012 Artists Series

  3. Hi Deb...count me in with everyone else's, so vintage looking. I hope you're doing well!


  4. I have turned my obsession with blogging to instagram. It gives me instant gratification and can do it on the fly which I can't with blogger. I think you will learn to love it.
    If you want to follow me my name is carolemaynard.
    see ya on IG I hope


  5. Thanks, Phyllis,

    I'll look for you on Instagram.

  6. I'm Instagram addicted...come find me pcovi :)

  7. Great job girl! MOTH will divorce me if I take on one more social media thingie, so as much as I'm tempted to do Instagram, I really don't fancy looking for Husband #3 at my age!
    Millie xx


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