
Neff Architecture
Doesn't this look like a peaceful place to spend a summer weekend?  All this talk about Ina has me thinking about barns in New York. 

The scene would make a great painting too, but I'll to leave that to someone else as I can only paint on walls (with a roller).  

Speaking of Ina Garten...

Do you remember the Town & Country  article about Ina Garten's Paris apartment?  I still have that issue in my collection and refer to it often. In addition to the photos of Ina's living room and kitchen, the story discusses the apartment renovation and Ina's collaboration with the architect, Lia Kiladis.

Lia Kiladis

It's great story, but the Town & Country feature left me wanting to see more photos.  I was curious about how Ina decorated the other rooms and unfortunately, the magazine only showed the apartment's living area and kitchen.  I looked for information about Lia Kiladis online and although I couldn't find a website for her,  she does have photos of her projects on Flickr.  The bedroom and bathroom here appear to be from Ina's Paris apartment. 

Lia Kiladis

As an Ina fan, it was thrill to find these photos.  The rooms are understated, yet they make a strong impression.  The materials appear to be luxurious, but the lines are simple.  Nothing is overdone or superfluous.  It's just what I expected from Ina.

Ina Garten Is Blogging!

Ina Garten, the Barefoot Contessa

Maybe you already knew this, but Ina Garten has a blog on her website, the Barefoot Contessa.  Am I the only one who just noticed this?  There are only two posts so far, but I'm checking daily for updates. That's a bit obsessive, I know, although not when I tell you that my fantasy is for Ina to invite me to her home in the Hamptons for weekends of cooking, eating, flower arranging and abundant laughter. And I'd be happy to wash the dishes, of course.

Ina has different categories on her blog--Home & Garden, Entertaining and Travel, which look interesting---in addition to Food.  I'm hoping to see more photos of her homes since I watch her show not just for the recipes, but to admire her taste in table settings and decorating too.

Photo from Ina Garten's website, The Barefoot Contessa.