Window Shopping

We spent Saturday morning walking Charles Street in Beacon Hill (after indulging in French Toast at The Paramount Cafe) and stopped by my favorite antiques store, Churchill & White.  Unfortunately, the shop hadn't opened yet when we arrived so I took photos of the window display.  This is only a small sample of the treasures inside and I recommend a visit if you're in Boston.  

~ D ~

Pinterest Point of View

One of my boards on Pinterest

I'm a reluctant follower and usually at the tail end of a trend.  I only joined Facebook and Twitter last year.  My list of Facebook friends is embarrassingly short and my tweets are sporadic at best. It's hard to keep up with my blog, never mind "social media".  The problem is that I'm not a very social person.  I'm quiet, reserved and basically an introvert.  And I'm happy that way.  Socializing with people other than friends and family makes me uncomfortable sometimes. Socializing online with strangers can make me, well, tense.  It's the same feeling I get before going to the dentist. I've realized that since I'm not gregarious by nature, a website won't transform me into a social maven.  Even with some comfort of anonymity.

So when Pinterest rolled around, I rolled my eyes.  I'm busy enough with a full time job, my parents, my partner / boyfriend, friends, (even a cat), tennis.  And a blog (and I forgot about LinkedIn).  I wasn't looking for another reason to sit in front of the computer.  But it's done now.  I've tried it and like it.  Very much.

Pinterest is a different medium than FB or Twitter, for sure.  But for me, it's ideal because it's all about visuals.  Pinning photos from the web onto your boards is lightning fast and easy.  The source of the photo is included within the pin so no need to track the source yourself. Once I got going, it only took me ten minutes to create a board.  And if I'm in the mood to write, I can add a comment to the pin.  It's less time consuming than blogging and Facebook and Twitter. 
And more fun sometimes.

So what do you think of Pinterest?  Have you tried it yet?  Are you using it more often than your blog / Facebook / Twitter account?

~ D ~

Chinese Blue and White Garden Seats

 I am in the market for some pretty blue and white ceramic garden seats for my living room.  These fine examples were sold by Skinner Auctioneers & Appraisers (here in Boston).  I have been tempted to buy a mass produced version online for $100 or less, but the real thing can also be had for a reasonable price, as you'll see here. I've included the expensive stools too because they are too beautiful to overlook.

  My favorites.  This pair sold for a reasonable $356.

How about two seats plus an umbrella stand for $88?  All modern pieces and not antiques, but an excellent buy.

My second favorites because of their delicate beauty and price.  Sold for $95. 

Stunning, but sold for $3,185.

Alas, $2,252

This bold pair sold for $1,715. 

So, I will try to sit tight, hold onto my wallet and wait  for a unique and reasonably priced piece at Skinner.  I hope it won't be a long wait.