Contemporary Roses

It was a toe-numbing 17 degrees outside yesterday morning, which means the piles of snow aren't going anywhere for awhile. We are at the height of winter where the days are a bit drab and the sun is still setting around 4:30 in the afternoon. It's days like this that I crave fresh flowers to brighten the house. 

I decided to experiment with a contemporary arrangement so I bought this inexpensive steel container at a local garden center (I must have been the only customer within five miles.  The employees seemed a little startled when I opened the door).  A quick drive home with two bunches of roses, a big piece of floral foam, and ten minutes later the arrangement was finished.

My house doesn't have a fireplace, so I'm burning scented candles like crazy at this time of year.

A close-up...

For variation, I added a white ceramic tray and two silver boxes...

Back to work today after a long weekend.  Have a warm week!


  1. I love your new container and those roses are beautiful, very nice arrangement! I have fireplaces and now wishing I had some roses. If I ever get off our mountain I'm buying roses!

  2. The roses are beautiful. Sucha nice gift to yourself. I love fresh flowers in winter. It makes every room seem some how brighter.

  3. The roses look lovely. We had a scorcher yesterday and I have had the air conditioner running! ;-)

  4. That's a great arrangement! I've only seen that look with silk flowers.
    You get dark a wee bit before us, but I know what you mean about craving the some fresh flowers. My amaryllis is still blooming so I am glad for that!
    Isn't it wonderful to have something so fragile alive in our homes when they would never survive the outdoors right now! Stay warm!

  5. A beautiful arrangement! I wish we lived closer together - I just love your taste and know we would have a nice time visiting each other!! I love the modern arrangement. I have oddly modern moments too, despite my otherwise traditional style. I really like crisp traditional, slightly spare.
    I love everything. We visited the diptyque store in Paris and were there about 2h getting lessons in candles. I got a ton of perfume samples.

    I love the roses, the silver boxes, everything. Winter is so bleak. I try to stay positive but it ain't happening.

    New car is amazing. LOVE it. Got wicked winter tires and rims. I want to post pictures as it is my new baby but really, so vain. ;0

    xo Terri

  6. Just beautiful, and very creative too!

  7. Beautiful. i adore white roses and have many artificial ones around the house. Fiona

  8. Deborah - This is so beautiful! I'll be on the lookout for a low container like that. With your modern display, the height of the roses would be perfect as a table center piece.

  9. Love the Roses your arrangement is inspired ,Thursday is my Flower buying day too ,

  10. Love your beautiful arrangement- so creative and distinctive. And love the silver boxes as well!

  11. What a beautiful way to add an early spring to your home! It instantly reminded me of the roses in my wedding bouquet! I love the way you arranged the beautiful flowers.

  12. a perfect winter white arrangement deborah! clean and fresh.
    chicago is very cold but love it. sounds as though you have been socked with snow this year

  13. Love the clean look of white roses in winter! And I am certain the garden center is still talking about you :)

    Love the steel box.... great size for many projects.


  14. It's perfect. I think those quaint little arrangements are perfect for any space!
    Lila Ferraro

  15. wonderful arrangement! lovely greetings

  16. Love this arrangement Deborah! My favourite NYC florist, the girls @ do very similar work, so you are in very good creative company. Loved your comment about the Lamingtons today & even more amazing is that Darren Cahill (1988 US Open finalist & one-time coach of Andre Agassi is my nephew!!) It's a small world & it gets smaller every day!
    Millie x

  17. Gorgeous arrangement! I usually don't use roses in my floral arrangements, but I think I may try this! I'm also in Boston, where did you pick up the container?


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