Tea Time

It absolutely poured rain in Boston today and the wind was whipping my umbrella around like a wayward balloon, resulting in a very bad hair day. I was soaked through by the time I got home from work so I opted to make some tea, catch up on blog reading (plus a little posting) and experiment with mixing my own paint color. However, based on the results of my experiment, paint color formulation may be best left to Benjamin Moore and the like after all.

P.S. I ate the other cookies before I took the photo (and I'm not saying how many).......


  1. Yum!! I love rain - sounds like a perfect day to me, except for that wind. I have very fine hair and look like a drowned rat as soon as the wind gets at it. But I love the rain and days at home inside while it's raining. It's semi-arid here, so we don't get nearly enough rain.

    You guys are having some interesting weather in the NE.

    xo Terri

  2. Hi Deborah,
    That is such a beautiful photograph! Lucky you with only rain... we had 14 inches of snow! I'm snowed in until Dan gets home from a trip on Friday!! As long as my power stays on (it was out for several hours this morning) I have no complaints, as it is a winter wonderland!
    Stay warm and dry!!

  3. I know - the weather was awful awful. Didn't even try to do my hair!

  4. Hi Deborah,

    The weather is messing with everyone lately. I'm going to Palm Springs for the weekend for our anniversary and it may rain! So sad. Also, it makes packing crazy.

    Mixing paint colors reminds me of work. We can customize perfumes and oils for customers (Aveda) and nothing I've ever experimented with comes even close to the ones Aveda already makes. I wind up throwing them out they are so awful. Some things are better left to the pros!


  5. That looks delicious. I think I will make some myself! Stay dry

  6. I'm almost too embarassed to say that we are enjoying a late burst of glorious Summer weather Deborah! However the challenging Winter conditions in the U.S. have been featured on our Aussie news most nights, so we are aware of what you guys have been up against. Take heart, a beautiful Boston Spring is not that far away.
    Millie ^_^

  7. Hi Deborah,congratulations you have such a wonderful blog. And this post in particular is great. This is my first visit, but it will not be the last. Thank you, Julia C. from Argentina.


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