Country in the City

Country Living magazine has a feature each month or so called "Country in the City" and I remember years ago as a CL subscriber, always looking forward to that feature to see typical city dwellings decorated with softly patterned fabrics, large pieces of wood furniture and plates hung on the wall.

These photos have nothing to do with Country Living magazine directly, but the phrase "Country in the City" popped to mind upon seeing these images. The home is an apartment on New York's 3rd Avenue designed by Heiberg Cummings, whom I've posted about before.

There is something about the juxtaposition of antiques with slightly contemporary touches that gets my attention every time, even though I don't like contemporary design.

But, I can say that I admire a skillful contrast of textures, styles and finishes that make not only a beautiful, but also interesting room.
Calla lilies always seem like a contemporary style of flower to me, if there can be such a thing. I always pass them by in the store. They look even more austere paired with this antique silver candle stick.
Maybe I'll give the lilies a try one of these days. I certainly have a few silver (plated!) candlesticks around the house.

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