Flowers for a Rainy Day

It's a rainy Sunday morning here in New England (and my tennis game is postponed!) so while checking email and thinking about my next blog post I snapped a photo of my desk, which is actually part of my dining room. The pink snapdragons were purchased yesterday at Whole Foods. I stood there, shopping cart in hand, warily eyeing the pale pink peonies, full of promise with their buds closed as tightly as fists and thought perhaps with a little patience, the right water temperature and carefully trimmed stems they'll eventually blossom in a few days, won't they? In the end I decided to treat myself to a little instant gratification and bought the eager to please and less willful snapdragons. Although, there are some buds yet to open on these stems too....


  1. Thanks for the comment! The vase is Delft and it's a family hand-me-down. It was a lamp at one time, but I changed it back to a vase. Maybe one of these days it will be a lamp again because it does not hold many stems.

  2. Your desk decor is lovely! I adore snapdragons. I have purple ones in pots and always do well with them. Never thought to cut them and bring inside.

    Wish we had Whole Foods - sound like lovely flowers there! ; )

  3. Looks so beautiful...a lovely touch on a rainy day! Ax

  4. What a beautiful picture! Thanks for your comment!!! I'm trying - it's hard to be a good photographer!

  5. of all the gorgeous pictures on your lovely blog, this one is my favorite. show us more of your home!

  6. You probably got more bang for you buck from the snapdragons. Peonies don't last long although the scent in my opinion is one of the most lovely of all the flowers!


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