Artist Sarah Lamb

I recently discovered these incredibly beautiful paintings by artist Sarah Lamb. My initial description was "the talented" artist, but I realized it was unnecessary to say this woman is talented. It seems redundant to describe what one can clearly see.
"Le Petit Dejeuner"
"Peonies in Silver"
"Portrait of a Crab"

"Savons De Provence"

"Mousse au chocolat"

"Fall Bounty"
"Milk and Cherries"
All images via Spanierman Gallery LLC


  1. ok, so we can't say she is talented. well, hmmm. she's ok with a brush, I guess. haha - omg = it's like a photograph! I adore these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously beautiful.

    thanks for the comment and yes, I swear to you, I am overwhelmingly shy in person. it's such an effort to pretend I'm not!!!!

  2. Her work is truly amazing. The clarity and colors are reminisent of the Masters. Thanks for introducing me to this artist!

  3. Hi! First visit to your blog via colour me happy... I loved your comment/analogy about art being hung too high above a sofa is like a man wearing his pants to short. Having grown up on the mississippi coast, I love the Portrait of a Crab... though all are special works of art.

  4. She is amazing! I love her paintings. Thank you for your comment and I shall enjoy reading through your posts. Ax

  5. These are lovely! Loving peonies as I do, the white peonies in the silver vase is a favorite! This is my first visit to your Blog, but I have now bookmarked it.

  6. Her work is Amazing! I'm captivated by each one. Especially love the blue pumpkins, and I just put out a new block of Savons! Who would have thought a painting of soaps could be so lovely?!

  7. Being from Maryland, I love the portrait of a crab!


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